Time for a new goal

Hello all!

So a few days ago, I mentioned that I set a lofty goal for my self and I just wanted to reveal what that goal was.


So, I decided that next year I will attempt to take part in one of the biggest events that the city of Philadelphia holds on a yearly basis and that is the Broad Street Run. For those of you unfamiliar with this race, The Broad Street Run is a 10 mile run, held the first Sunday in May, down of the biggest and best known streets in the City of Brotherly Love: Broad Street. It passes a number of well known locations in the city and is one of the biggest 10 mile races around.

I guess jumping from a few 5Ks to a 10 mile run is a big step, but the way I see it is like this: I have an entire year to prepare for this race and I have 10 miles before out on my own so I know I have the stamina. I guess I will just need to work on improving my time and doing some training for this major race. I am ecstatic about the opportunity!

It’s funny, if you told me in high school that I would eagerly looking forward to signing up for a 10 mile race, I would tell you that you’re delusional. Alas, those days of being the un-athletic, “bigger” kid are far behind me and a new John has taken its place and this new version has no intentions of being pushed aside for anyone or anything.

Time to run forever and never look back.

Happy Readings,


And I’m back!

Hello folks!

I know it’s been awhile since we talked and for that I apologize. It’s been a busy past few months for me.

I just wanted to write this short post to promise you faithful readers that I will be posting more in the near future and also to welcome all new followers!

I welcome you to look around at my blog at the links at the top and find out more about myself and my story. I know some parts of this page may be a little outdated and I will work to sort of “reboot” this blog shortly.

But please, come on in, have a read and feel free to comment or discuss anything you see. I would love to start networking with more runners out there and learn some tricks of the trade, that I admit I am still relatively new to.

Happy readings and I hope you stay for the long haul!

Oh, and I have a personal goal that I set for myself just the other day so look for a post about that later on down the line!

Yours truly,
