Welcome New Friends: Tidbits and Info

I guess since I have a tidal wave of new followers, I would do a brief introduction.


Good afternoon everyone and happy hump day! My name is John and I will be your tour guide on this weight loss journey. Open-mouthed smile A little about me: I have been battling my weight for as long as I can remember (grade school, or somewhere around that time). During high school, I peaked at around 320. Well, 320 was the highest I was ever weighed and recorded at was 320. However, this was before a back surgery that left me out of commission from that December until Summer so I know for a fact I gained a good amount of weight during that time so I venture a guess that I was probably closer to 350. When I got bored, I could binge eat and binge eat a lot and sitting around all day definitely would make me eat.

So, in college I started watching what I eat a little here and there and trying to get to the gym every now and again, but it wasn’t until after college when I really buckled down. Lack of employment left me with little to do so I walked and walked and walked, a few months later I joined a gym, and thanks for being active and watching what I eat: what you see in this picture below is my progress. I used to put it on the photo journey tab up above, but this site has been wonking out on me so here is my “photo journey”:

Many Faces

What else. hmm.

Well, I recently made a vow to run the Broad Street next May. That’s 10 miles of running goodness. I have been a walker for a long time, but running is a new passion of mine.

I also took my first shirtless selfie (above) and if you know me, this is a HUGE moment in my life. I have been self conscious about my body for as long as I can remember and didn’t like photos taken of myself, even with clothes, and would never take shirtless pictures. Little known fact, but I even gave up swimming so I could stop being seen shirtless and now I just took a shirtless selfie and posted it all over the internet. This is a big moment for me in my life and I thank you all for sharing it with me.

So, that is a little about me. If you are reading this and haven’t liked my page, “The Walking Non-Dead”  https://www.facebook.com/TheWalkingNonDead?ref_type=bookmark 

If you use myfitness pal or Runkeeper, let me know and I can add you to my friends list. The more, the merrier.

So, welcome to my page and feel free to ask questions, share stories or photos on the page, or just send your comments along. I welcome all feedback and any advice.

Thanks again, and welcome!
